Friday, January 26, 2007

Well, hello there....

OK. Here's the obligatory first post on my new blog. I struggled for about two days trying to come up with a name for this damn thing. I had some quick shots of inspiration right away, but those names were taken (by people who last posted in 2005!!!!!!!!!!). After I came up with the perfect name a couple of dozen times and lost it to the contrary whims of Internet bloggers past, I finally hit on Technogrammarian.

It's a bit clunky, but then again, so am I at times. Even back in my days as as system engineer fresh out of grad school Wendi (my incredibly beautiful, incredibly supportive wife) would make fun of me for tagging the end of every introduction with ... "and I have an English degree." I can't help it...that damn degree symbolizes a lifetime love of books, reading and writing.

I have another mistress, however. Technically I have a lot of other mistresses. I quickly tire of one and go searching for a new one. The latest is called the Nokia E62, my be-all, do-all smartphone. Even though I've only had her for a few months, she's starting to look a little worn in comparison to Steve Job's new shiny, swiss-army iPhone (if Cisco will allow him to use their copyrighted name).

So when I'm not writing about my wife or my kids or a book I'm reading or a book I'm trying to write, I'll probably be writing about some new website/phone/computer/game/gadget/shiny blinking light that I found on the Internet. Check back regularly to see which topic wins.

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