Friday, October 26, 2007

I birthed a podcast.

OK, OK...we all know that it technically takes two people to make a baby. So I can't take full credit for the new podcast. My long-time hetero life mate, Larry, and cooked up a new idea for a podcast called New Work Order. We basically rant about how business is done today and give our opinions about how it should be done tomorrow. Oh...and we're very funny. We crack ourselves up all the time.

We posted our pilot episode today. Please give it a listen and post a comment. We'll make this thing whether people listen or not, but we are definitely open to some well-intentioned constructive criticism.

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Melissa said...

The link to the podcast itself doesn't work

Brad said...

Did it get pop-up blocked? The podcast is hosted on Garageband right now, so it launches in an embedded Garageband player. We'll likely change that later when we get some of the finer technical issues figured out.