Saturday, January 26, 2008

Blog Reco: Write to Done

I discovered a fantastic new blog this week that every writer (or wannabe writer -- especially the wannabes) should read. It's called Write to Done, and is written by Leo Babauta, the author of the already wildly successful (if you think 36,300 subscribers at the time of this post is successful) author of ZenHabits. Leo recently quit his full-time job because he's turned himself into a full-time blogger and soon-to-be-published author.

Leo writes ZenHabits about achieving goals and basically living your life better -- however you define better. Write to Done, in Leo's own words, is "a way to share some of what I’ve learned as a writer, with new (and
experienced) writers looking to improve their craft and their art. Leo is no johnny-come-lately to the writing biz. He has worked as a reporter for the last 17 years. When it comes to he habits and life of writing, he know his stuff. For someone as discipline-challenged as me, every word he writes is golden.

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