Thursday, January 17, 2008


My daughter was home sick from school today. Last night we all got only about 4 hours of sleep with time lost to putting my daughter in our bed and then changing and washing sheets at 2 AM after she threw up in said bed. We kept her home from school today to rest, and I tried to figure out the best use of my weekday time in between caring for her and going to and from a noontime meeting. (BTW, she didn't stay home by herself during the meeting. I dropped her at my wife's office during the meeting.)

Sleep-deprived and less than motivated to work, I had 2.5 solid hours of free time this afternoon while Zoe napped. The house was a wreck. My office was worse. So what did I do? I cleaned out my closet. Two years of working at home and a not-so-diligent exercise routine had left me with a wardrobe better suited to a high school skateboarder than a working professional. My best clothes are a plethora of t-shirts (in both the short and long-sleeved variety,) a handful of jeans and one very useful dark blue hoodie.

Two suits and a couple of sport coats left over from my University administration days no longer fit. The pants are mysteriously too small (damn that tasty Guiness) and the jackets seem too big now (even though lifting the TV remote several days a day should have kept my pectorals in better shape.)

Even on days when I stayed home to work, I risked a cotton-blend avalanche every time I touched my T-shirt mountain. I'd become fed up with the status quo months ago, but kept putting off this very essential bit of house cleaning.

In the end it only took an hour and a very healthy dose of honesty regarding my physical dimensions. When I was done I had removed a couple of stacks of clothes and a lot of clutter from my mind. It's so easy to forget, but physical clutter really does affect my mental clarity. Removing those clothes will make my morning routine easier, which in turn will get my entire day off to a better start. I'm now motivated to go remove about half of the objects in the house. Anybody got a spare dumpster I can use?

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